2 players on diablo 3 for switch
2 players on diablo 3 for switch

I’m one of those weirdos who actually closely follows the story in Diablo, and although Diablo 4’s probably isn’t going to win any awards, it is still a massive step in the right direction compared to its predecessor. But while there may not be much in the way of game-changing innovations, the good news is that lack of experimentation has resulted in a game that’s unbelievably well-designed and succeeds at practically everything it tries. This series had a lot of catching up to do in the 11 years since Diablo 3, and whether it’s borrowing combat inspiration from Path of Exile or online elements from Lost Ark, there isn’t really anything about what Diablo 4 does so well that is completely unprecedented.

2 players on diablo 3 for switch

Instead of trying to revolutionize ARPGs in any major way, Blizzard mostly seems content to play it safe by making smart but unsurprising changes to the formula, with things like more customizable skill trees and more diverse playstyles between its iconic character classes.

2 players on diablo 3 for switch

If you were hoping Diablo 4 would shock the ARPG world with massive innovations to the genre, however, you’re likely to be disappointed in that specific regard. A weak story and some irritating bugs do occasionally throw a wet blanket over the fires of Hell, but the 80 hours I’ve spent in Sanctuary have still been overwhelmingly positive, and even after all that demon slaying and obsessing over loot rolls, I’m still very excited to play a whole lot more.

2 players on diablo 3 for switch

The finely-tuned combat, extensive build options across each class, stellar graphics, and strong live-service foundation are all among the most impressive in the genre, and the endgame activities and grind are so well thought out that I struggle to find any fault in them – as rare an occurrence as rainfall on Mars. Diablo 4 doesn’t do much to reinvent ARPGs or push the boundaries of a genre its series helped pioneer, but the tweaks, improvements, and borrowed ideas it does introduce have forged this latest model into the best Diablo we’ve ever had. Like seeing your favorite band play their greatest hit live, Diablo 4 is completely awesome to behold even though you know exactly how the song’s going to go from the moment you hear the first iconic note.

2 players on diablo 3 for switch